Kevin Menezes

Loved and Saved by God alone to Love and Serve God alone.

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Unboxing Christ

About 2700 years ago the Lord declared to Prophet Isaiah: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Could you build me a temple as good as that? Could you build me such a resting place? My hands have made both heaven and earth; they and everything in them are mine.” (Isaiah 66:1)

God was essentially saying, “Look, I am a lot bigger than you think. Even heaven and earth cannot accomodate me”.

But that has not stopped man from trying.

We take a picture, stick it on a wall in our living room, and when it’s time to pray, you know exactly where to look coz lo and behold, he is exactly “where you put him“.

Among other things, Christ preached against religious pretence, and guess who felt bar? Not delinquents and criminals. He was ostracized and condemned by the religious establishment of his day. Have you wondered why?

Religion with its rituals, dogma and doctrines, is essentially man’s attempt to put God in a box that we have labelled whatever we want. It’s our vain attempt to understand and grasp the incomprehensible with our two pound brain.

The Cross, on the other hand, is God’s demonstrable attempt to reach man.

Unfortunately, we have succeeded in putting Christ in a box too that we unbox and unpack for 45 minutes every Sunday, and even then only because it’s an obligation. And we think somehow God is going to be very impressed because we showed up.

Maybe it’s time to think about our thinking, remove God from the box we have put him in, and give Him is rightful place. He wants to be in your heart, not the living room wall.