Kevin Menezes

Loved and Saved by God alone to Love and Serve God alone.

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Everything is Spiritual

Be as concerned about the spiritual welfare of your children, as you are about their personal wellbeing, education, etc. Because in the long run, a strong spirit is the only thing that matters.

Yes, education and all the other things you are so concerned about are important, but they are not prerequisites for a happy life. If they were, we wouldn’t see so many “highly educated and successful people” shooting their heads off or throwing themselves off buildings.

Life is a school of hard knocks. Everyone goes through physical, mental and emotional stress at some point. But if your kids have a strong and healthy spirit, they can never be broken.

Fact is, we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Everything that happens in this world starts from the spiritual realm. If your children do not connect to the essence of who they really are in spirit, they will never ever discover their real identity and true potential.